Dan Tomei, the owner of Radio 27, an online Romanian radio station in Chicago, photographer (Tutto Bene Photography), is under investigation by the Securities Department from the State of Illinois. The department is responsible for the regulation of the securities industry in Illinois and protection of investors by ensuring compliance with the law and investigating any complaints of fraud or improper practices.
In 2007 Dan Tomei helped by his friend and lawyer Mihaela Raicu created a company called G&M Filming Corporation, under the promise of issuing 63,000 shares of stock . He used over 14,000 dollars for the production of a reality TV show, but never issued any shares, nor returned the money as promised.
After false promises and lies that he will pay the money back, a complaint was submitted on his name and company, to the Better Business Bureau and Securities Fraud Department in the State of Illinois.
In February 2010, a legal representative sent a letter on behalf of Dan Tomei in which he offered to transfer all of his interests in Miss Romania USA Inc. and G&M Filming in order to pay the debt.
G&M Filming was never incorporated in the State of Illinois and Miss Romania USA was disolved as a company in October, 2008. What was he thinking to "offer" or "transfer"?!
When contacted to talk about his offers Dan Tomei and his representative did not responded back to us.
Dan Tomei, originar din Zalau, in prezent fotograf prin Chicago, "mare" intreprinzator si organizator de evenimente in trecut, este investigat de catre autoritatile statului Illinois pentru frauda.
In anul 2007 acesta, ajutat de avocata si amica lui Mihaela Raicu, a pus bazele unei companii intitulata G&M Filming Corporation sub pretextul de a pune in circulatie 63,000 de actiuni. A convins cateva persoane sa intre in aceasta companie. A luat si cheltuit peste 14,000 de dolari pentru a realiza un asa zis reality TV show. Dan Tomei nu a inregistrat compania din punct de vedere legal, nici nu a mai oferit actiuni cum era firesc, si nici nu a returnat banii inapoi. La fel au patit si o parte din cei care au muncit, care au primit promisiunea ca vor fi platiti dar n-au mai vazut niciodata banii.
Pe numele lui au fost facute mai multe plangeri catre autoritatile statului Illinois, iar acestea in prezent investigheaza cazul.
Banii nu a avut sa isi plateasca datoriile dar acum are pentru avocatii care i-a angajat ca sa-l scoata din rahat.
Pe internet, la o prima vedere, profilul lui Daniel Tomei impresioneaza prin functiile de director avute si "experienta" sa profesionala ...asta daca nu sti cine este el in realitate. Profilul lui este plin de vraja si abureala, abundand in minciuni.
Pe numele lui au fost facute mai multe plangeri catre autoritatile statului Illinois, iar acestea in prezent investigheaza cazul.
Banii nu a avut sa isi plateasca datoriile dar acum are pentru avocatii care i-a angajat ca sa-l scoata din rahat.
Pe internet, la o prima vedere, profilul lui Daniel Tomei impresioneaza prin functiile de director avute si "experienta" sa profesionala ...asta daca nu sti cine este el in realitate. Profilul lui este plin de vraja si abureala, abundand in minciuni.
Peste 10 ani de "experienta" in proiecte in Statele Unite si Europa. Ce mai, e cel mai tare ...he's the one and only...
"Handling budgets" and "high level of customer satisfaction" ?! what a joke - he is so good at managing the budget but he "forgot' to pay the people that worked for him in 2007.
"Outstanding communication skills" yes, very good at telling bull shit to people.
Sounds like he is the one man show doing everything, and doing it perfect!
Dan Tomei "Successfully raised over $10,000 sponsorships or funding for the event." What a lie, or maybe he just "forgot" to tell the rest of his team that he raised that much money. Plus he forgot to mention in this "great resume" that he is an expert of not paying back over$14,000 he used for the event.
"Outstanding communication skills" yes, very good at telling bull shit to people.
Sounds like he is the one man show doing everything, and doing it perfect!
Dan Tomei "Successfully raised over $10,000 sponsorships or funding for the event." What a lie, or maybe he just "forgot" to tell the rest of his team that he raised that much money. Plus he forgot to mention in this "great resume" that he is an expert of not paying back over$14,000 he used for the event.
Tour band manager of "3 Sud Est" from January to May 2008?! What a lie, there was no such a tour in 2008. The band tour took place in 2007 and lasted for about 1 month, their last concert being in Chicago at the end of April, 2007.